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6 days ago7 min read
Guide to finding incredible choral music to broaden your programming
This quick guide will help you broaden your choral repertoire library to include incredible works by women composers.

Apr 1, 20245 min read
Mirrored: what if classical concerts reflected the unheard
Exploring through performance how classical music concerts could reflect the voices left unheard in our music history.

Mar 10, 20234 min read
Songs Emerge When Permission to Compose is Granted
Learn about the benefits of the composing workshop for our choir.

Mar 1, 20237 min read
Changing the choral narrative: resources for gender balanced programming
Choral programming resources for choir directors and music educators.

Oct 3, 20225 min read
The Ghosting Soprano
Explore why sometimes we hear notes that are not being sung in the choral setting.

Mar 1, 20227 min read
Where did you find that music? A repertoire resource for programming women composers of choral music in time for March
A repertoire resource for programing women composers of choral music in time for March.
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