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Resources for choir leaders and choral conductors


Consonare Choral Community has worked to diversity the choral music we offer in our community choirs and performed by our professional ensemble, Voices of Concinnity, to explore the breadth and variety of choral music.  We realize it is a challenge to locate new repertoire, so we hope these resources can be useful. 

Composer Resources for Gender Balanced Programming

This list is a beginning resource exploring where to find and access diverse music resources.

Concinnity Repertoire List

Access the list of repertoire sung by our professional chamber choir, Voices of Concinnity.

Choir Matrix Repertoire List

Access the list of repertoire sung by our upper voice choir, Choir Matrix - music for SSAA voices.

Musical Theater Songs for Teens

List of musical theater style songs for teens and tweens, which are for our Musical Theater Workshop this summer.

Choral Composer Amplify Project

The Choral Composer Amplify Project (CCAP) is an initiative lead by our artistic director, Sarah Kaufold, that will provide fair and  equitable access for emerging composers to have their choral compositions recorded by a professional choral ensemble.

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